Call of duty vanguard digital download
Call of duty vanguard digital download

call of duty vanguard digital download call of duty vanguard digital download

  • Champion hill is a new multiplayer game mode featured in Call of Duty Vanguard a battle royal-like mode, taking place in rounds and across 4 different maps, it can be played solo or with a duo.
  • The maps will also feature some destructible elements like boards and other weak structures to open new paths.
  • At launch, the game will feature 20 Multiplayer maps set across all the major fronts in WWII, 16 maps will be 6 vs 6, and 4 will be 2 vs 2.
  • call of duty vanguard digital download

    After the war is over, all 4 future members of the special force’s unit are tasked to bring down Project Phoenix a plan to revive the Nazi Ideology by former members of the party. The Main Campaign as Mentioned Before the game will feature all 4 major fronts in WW2 you will be playing a new character in each front Private Lucas Riggs, Sergeant Arthur Kingsley, Lieutenant Wade Jackson, and Lieutenant Polina Petrova.The game will also feature an expansive multiplayer, and zombies mode developed by Treyarch Studios. Call of Duty Vanguard takes place during the height of WWII and after the war, you will be able to experience the birth of the special forces and their pivotal role in influential battles on all of the 4 major fronts in the war Western, Eastern, North Africa, and the Pacific front. Call of Duty Vanguard is a first-person shooter game developed by Sledgehammer Games, the 19th mainline entry in the Call of Duty franchise built on the next generation IW Engine.

    Call of duty vanguard digital download